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SAP B1 Group

User Groups Setup and My Personal Settings in SAP Business One 9.3

Setup Instructions for User Preferences in SAP B1

In order to simplify and streamline user management in SAP Business One 9.3, the user authorization groups has been enhanced to become user groups. Looking at the authorization groups what it had before, we can assign users to specific group and later using the authorization window, assign specific authorizations to those users. In addition, we can have form settings, which allows us to do a similar action, by assigning users, which will hold all of them have the same form settings. The third kind is actually a combination of both, so for example, if we have a finance form settings group as well as the finance authorization groups, instead of creating two groups, we can simply create a group for cross all types, which in this case will include both the authorizations and the form settings.

So how do we apply the form settings to a form settings group? This will be done by creating a sample user with all the appropriate form settings, which can be applied to a certain group. For example, if we want to bring up one of the users, let us say the person’s name is George, after we created a user, assign all the appropriate form settings to it and we can go ahead and copy form settings. Now this is not new, we used to be able to do that for other users, but now we can apply a form settings from the specific user to the entire group.

In this case, we are going to see both the finance form setting group and then cross all the other group as well. Of course in real life, we are only going to use one of them. Once we copy the system message, all the form settings from George will be copied to the form setting group. And from now on, any user that we will add to this group will get those authorizations or the nth form settings applied to it. In version 9.3, we also enhanced the user setup. When we look at creating a new user, we now have services and display tab under ‘users-setup’.

What we have done was, taking all the settings from the general settings of the company level, which actually apply to the user and put them in the ‘users-setup’ – services tab. So we can specifically for the user, whom we are looking at, apply those services in the display setting, again just for that user. If we leave it blank, it’s simple, we are going to use the services and display from the general settings of the company. In addition, as a specific user when we login to be one, we can go ahead and click on the ‘personal settings’. For example, if we want to make some changes for ourselves on the personal settings, we can go ahead and do this, since we are logged into the company. This is possible, even if we are not a super user and not authorized to go into the user setup window.  

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