With the day-to-day advancements in technology, SAP Business One 10.0 progresses itself with various concepts. The various concepts we are looking into are Microsoft 365, 64-Bit Support Only, SAP HANA 2.0 platform adoption, service layer configuration U/I, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server I5 support.
The improved feature in Microsoft 365 along with One drive integration supports the transformation of document layouts to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. It is much prettier to watch the simplified document layout export into one drive also.
The older versions are driven out; so is the 32-bit Windows operating system support. SAP Business One moves away from 32-bit components with 32-bit add-Ons. These 32-bit segments are discharged from the SAP Business One version 10 set up wizard and from the products CD.
On the other platform, referring to the database level, SAP Business One 10.0 runs on SAP HANA 2.0 multi-tenant database container support. Managing the resources even in tenant databases is now convenient with SAP HANA cockpit. SAP HANA extended application services in the advanced mode support the native applications developed and performed promptly. Use the SAP Wifi Technology to develop your own application in the local web IDE for SAP HANA.
The SAP Business One service layer configuration is updated with a user interface now. In the Services menu, the user interface is indexed. Now it is feasible to START/STOP/RESTART a service on the service layer controller. It is also amended with versioning info, CPU, memory utilization, and node management. It is enhanced with the feature of downloading the service layer logs directly from this site.
The most recent advancements are in the operating system version. The SAP Business One 10.0 version for SAP HANA is adapted with SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 15. The operating system is multimodal. The physical virtual cloud enablement or software-defined environments are supported by SUSE LINUX Enterprise operating system. The product update patches are obtained frequently since the modular plus architecture is modular. Get started today. Visit: www.emerging-alliance.com