SAP B1 Troubleshooting – Date deviates from permissible range

How to Resolve SAP B1 “Date Deviates from Permissible Range” Issue
As an SAP Business One consultant, it’s common to encounter the “Date deviates from permissible range” error while posting transactions. This error typically occurs when there’s a mismatch between the due date defined in the document and the posting period settings in SAP Business One. In this blog, we will walk you through how to resolve this issue.
Error Description
The error message Date deviates from permissible range appears when you try to post a sales order, and the document date, posting date, or due date doesn’t comply with the period settings in SAP Business One. The error is often associated with the due date in the document.
While creating a sales order, you fill in the document date, posting date, and due date. When posting the sales order, the error message appears, highlighting the due date field.

Root Cause
The underlying cause of this error is that the Due Date defined in the document does not fall within the period defined in the Posting Period Setup for the current month. The posting period setup restricts the range of dates, and if the due date lies outside of that range, the system will not allow the transaction to post.
This error occurs because the due date defined in the document is outside the permissible range set in the Posting Periods configuration for the current month. To resolve this, follow these steps:
1. Adjust the Posting Period Setup:
- Navigate to: Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Posting Periods.
- In the Posting Periods window, verify the From and To dates for the current period.

2. Check and Modify the Posting Period Settings:
- Click the Golden Arrow next to the selected period in the document’s posting date field to ensure the Due Date falls within the defined range.

3. Extend the Due Date Range:
- If necessary, extend the Due Date range within the Posting Period Setup or choose a due date that falls within the permissible range.

4. Post the A/R Invoice:
- After adjusting the due date, attempt to post the A/R invoice again. The transaction should be successfully posted without any further errors.

5. Successful Posting:
- Once the due Date deviates is within the correct range, the A/R invoice should post successfully without triggering the error.

By ensuring that the due date in the document is within the permissible range defined in the posting periods, you can avoid the Date deviates from permissible range error in SAP B1 date deviates. Always check the posting periods and adjust them when necessary to keep transactions flowing smoothly.
If you encounter this error frequently, consider reviewing the system’s posting period setup to ensure all future periods are correctly defined.
SAP B1 Error: ‘Date Deviates from Permissible Range’ – FAQs
1. Why does this error occur when posting a sales order or A/R invoice?
The error occurs when the due date entered in the document is outside the allowable date range set up in the Posting Period configuration. Each fiscal period has a defined start and end date, and if the due date falls outside of these dates, the system will block the posting.
2. How can I fix the “Date deviates from permissible range” error?
To fix this error, you need to either extend the posting period or modify the due date to fall within the defined range. Follow these steps:
- Go to Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Posting Periods.
- Check the start and end dates for the posting period.
- Extend the period if needed, or select a valid due date within the defined range.
3. What is the purpose of the posting period in SAP B1?
The posting period ensures that financial transactions are posted in the correct fiscal periods, helping to maintain proper financial reporting and accounting. It controls which dates can be used for posting transactions like invoices, sales orders, and journal entries.
4. Where do I find the Posting Period Setup in SAP Business One?
To access the Posting Period Setup:
- Go to Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Posting Periods. Here you can view and modify the start and end dates of the periods for your business’s fiscal year.
5. How do I know which period is selected for the document posting?
When you are entering a document (e.g., Sales Order or A/R Invoice), the system will highlight the period based on the posting date. You can click the golden arrow next to the selected posting date to view or adjust the date range for that period.
6. Can I change the due date to a different month if the current posting period doesn’t allow it?
Yes, you can modify the due date to a valid date within the current posting period, or you can extend the posting period itself to include the desired due date. However, it’s essential to ensure that the change aligns with your company’s accounting policies.
7. Is there any impact on other transactions if I modify the Posting Period Setup?
Modifying the posting period setup can affect other transactions that are already recorded. Make sure to double-check other open documents and review any reporting requirements before changing the period. It’s a good practice to consult with your finance or accounting team before making adjustments to the posting periods.
8. How can I ensure this error doesn’t happen in the future?
Regularly review and update your posting periods to ensure they align with your company’s fiscal calendar. Additionally, train your users to verify the due date for documents and ensure that they are within the permissible range before posting.
9. What happens if I don’t resolve this error?
If the “Date deviates from permissible range” error is not resolved, the transaction will not be posted, which can delay invoicing or other critical business processes. Resolving this error is important for maintaining accurate financial records and efficient transaction posting.
10. Can I automate period updates to prevent this error?
While SAP Business One does not automatically extend posting periods, you can set up alerts or reminders to notify you when a period is approaching its end. This proactive approach can help you manage your posting periods and avoid errors.
11. I don’t have the required permissions to change posting periods, what should I do?
If you don’t have the necessary permissions to modify the posting period, contact your SAP B1 administrator or someone in your organization with the appropriate access rights. They can either grant you permission or make the changes for you.
Let me know if you have any other SAP B1-related questions or issues you’d like to resolve!