Main Steps for the document generation wizard:
The document generation wizard allows you to perform mass processing of target sales documents. Many companies prefer to do an invoice run rather than generating individual invoices. This can also streamline invoicing for your customers. When you use this wizard, you can combine open sales orders in one invoice, making it convenient for customers to pay all they owe you from a single invoice instead of receiving multiple invoices from you.
In the wizard you select the type of the base and target document. For example the base is a delivery and the target is an invoice. It is also possible to select the base as sales order and the target as delivery or invoice. Next, you identify whether one base document creates one target or multiple base documents are consolidated into one target. Finally you select what to do in case of missing data such as exchange rate, accounting and inventory alerts such as credit limit deviation. At the end of the run you receive a summary of all the documents that were created. In figure you can see themain steps for the document generation wizard. main steps for the document generation wizard.
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