SAP Business One usability series on direct links to journal entries:
Welcome to SAP Business One usability series on direct links to journal entries. When creating an invoice there is an option to preview the journal entry right committing the invoice to the system. The invoice is created from a sales order. Copy the sales order to an accounts receivable invoice. With right click there is an ability to select journal entry preview. This will allow to quickly check the account allocation and other important information before entering the invoice. Now add the accounts receivable invoice to the system. By adding the invoice to the system there will always be an option to drill down into the journal remark from the account tab. From here the direct review of journal entry can be done which was committed to the system. Likewise from the journal entry, there is a method to directly drill down into the original invoice. This direct link to previewing the journal entry, in corresponding original invoices, enables to cross check the transactions prior to and after committing these transactions to the general ledger.