Can your ERP do sales commission negotiations?
In this series we will looking at sales commission. SAP Business One has this powerful functionality called sales commission where in it can print out a report at the end of the month or end of the period on sales commission that needs to be awarded to the salesmen. Let us see how SAP does it. SAP Business One has this feature where you can enter the name of all the sales employees and mandate it that whenever there is a quotation created or an order booked in SAP Business One system. Sales orders needs to have a salesman name to which that particular order winning is dedicated.
So when it is mandated, SAP Business One will not allow the users or the sales team to post any sales quotation or sales order without giving the input of sales person’s name. By this, every sales order or sales quotation is clearly linked to a salesman’s name to whom the commission needs to be provided. Not only this, taking the whole functionality to the next level, a single sales quotation or a sales order will have multiple line items to be delivered and each line item might belong to different salesmen. SAP Business One also has this functionality where each line item can have different salesmen and that can be entered into the system. SAP Business One receives all this inputs on what all the orders which has been confirmed and who are the salesmen for it. At the backend we can let SAP Business One know what is the commission that needs to be paid to the salesmen and this commission can be either based on a certain percentage on the value of the component or based on the total revenue generated.
We can even customize it to a next level where different slabs of revenue can have different commission percentages or different sales employees based on their work experience, can have different sales commission percentages. Based on this, SAP Business One runs report at the end of the month where it clearly indicates what was the revenue generated for a given sales employee and what is the commission and how is it calculated. It even prints out the list of items sold, sales orders and sales quotations which were converted into order and gives a complete clarity on the sales commission that needs to be provided to the salesman. Hope you like this functionality, it’s a key and wonderful functionality in SAP Business One.
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