Why is Business Intelligence Important for Your Organization?
Business intelligence (BI) is a set of theories, methodologies and processes that transform Raw data into useful information.
Due to the lack of information, processes and tools, through 2012, more than 35% OF THE TOP 5000 GLOBAL COMPANIES regularly failed to make insightful decisions significant changes in their business.
Business Intelligence tools present data in meaningful and easy-to-consume views that can also be made available within other applications over the internet or on a mobile handheld device.
Mobile Business Intelligence is taking the business world by storm. By 2017 the world’s mobile workforce population will reach 1.8 billion people.
Business intelligence software’s analytics and reporting tools build quantitative data and strategic reporting metrics to monitor and maintain quality products, recognize product/market trends and manage organizational performances.
60% of companies with data initiatives are seeing transformational changes.
Modern Business Intelligence tools are powerful and can access and manipulate data at lightning fast speeds.
With business intelligences tools, managers can create 360-degrees views of business performance and analyze detailed information.
Business Intelligences can be highly personalized to provide each team member the relevant information needed to make decisions effectively.
According to the CIO website, with the help of business intelligence tools, Toyota realized it had been double-paying shippers to the turn of $812,000.
SAP Business one has in-built Business Intelligence features which plays a key role in the planning, execution and management processes, so businesses work smarter to achieve a competitive advantage.